Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Castle of Shikigami III (Wii) - Get It Now ^_^

The latest in a cult-classic series of shoot-em-ups. This Wii exclusive features 55 different scenarios, multiple characters (with their own sets of special moves and abilities) and lots of classic shoot-em-up game play. The game can be played in vertical mode and has many unlockables. This game is VERY hard to find in stores (especially in Canada) so get your copy here ^_^ You'll be happy you did!

Buy Now From Play-Asia.com! - $34.90

Buy Now From GamesForCanada.com - $31.50

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Every Extend Extra (PSP) - Great Game only $9.90 + Shipping!

This classic game made by the makers of Lumines and Meteos is one you really need to experience as a PSP owner. For this price you'd really be crazy not to pick up a copy :) "Players evade enemy attacks and then use perfect timing to blast their foes in a colorful display of explosive chain reactions. The bigger the chain reaction results in the higher scores and larger rewards." The game is very trippy, and very colorful and will have you addicted in no time. Unlike many PSP games, this is one you can pick up and play for a short while if you choose to, or you can sit down and play for long periods as well. It has portable game written all over it. Do yourself a favor and check it out ^_^

Buy from Play-Asia.com: ($9.90 + shipping)
Buy from GamesForCanada.com ($13.99 + shipping)

Buy from Amazon.ca: